15- Turkey Vulture
1- 0sprey
2- Bald Eagle
1- Northern Harrier
21- Sharp-Shinned Hawk
1- Northern Goshawk
85- Broad-Winged Hawk
2- Red-Tailed Hawk
1- American Kestrel
2- Merlin
TOTAL: 131
5- Turkey Vulture
1- Bald Eagle
2- Sharp-Shinned Hawk
3- Red-Tailed Hawk
And that concludes the 2010 raptor migration
season boys and girls, its been a blast.
Thanks to everyone who came up for a visit
and helped spot birds, I had a lot of fun.
Get out and ride that bike of yours!
505- Turkey Vultures
56- 0sprey
390- Bald Eagle
607- Northern Harrier
9,747- Sharp-Shinned Hawk
27- Coopers Hawk
94- Northern Goshawk
28- Red-Shouldered Hawk
2,582- Broad-Winged Hawk
630- Red-Tailed Hawk
229- Rough-Legged Hawk
38- Golden Eagle
411- American Kestrel
101- Merlin
38- Peregrine Falcon
3- Swainsons Hawk
1- Unknown Accipiter
2- Unknown Eagle
7- Unknown Small Falcon
1- Unknown Raptor
TOTAL: 15,497